Coccidiosis is an animal health problem caused by certain micro-organisms called coccidia or oocysts. They are hidden from sight, and can live for years in the environment, and survive under normal heat and cold changes. Stress caused by weather, feed changes, and weaning make dairy calves very susceptible to coccidiosis outbreaks. Calves ingest the infective parasites (oocysts) right from the start, by licking hair coats, nibbling on bedding and other contaminated materials.
Understanding the Cocci Life Cycle
The typical life cycle for the Eimeria species of bovine coccidia last about three weeks. The sporulated oocysts are ingested by the calf, and rupture releasing sporozoites that infect epithelial cells of the gut mucosa. If the sporozoites are not stopped at this point of the life cycle they continue to reproduce (asexually) within the cell wall developing into millions of organisms. After about 14 days, the organisms reproduce sexually and invade the large intestine causing hemorrhaging which results in the clinical signs of bloody diarrhea. Damage to the intestinal lining may become permanent, resulting in poor performing animals. In severe cases, death occurs as a primary result of the diarrhea, which causes a loss of electrolytes and dehydration.
Calf Pro acts early in the cocci life cycle
Calf Pro is a unique liquid formulation of Bovatec (lasalocid), a coccidiocide plus 8 essential vitamins. It acts early in the life cycle of the coccidia before they mature and cause intestinal damage. Intestinal damage is responsible for poor nutrient absorption, water and electrolytes.
Calf Pro gives immediate protection
Calf Pro provides immediate protection from the first feeding, starting 48 to 72 hours after birth. It eliminates the need to wait until calves consume enough dry for adequate protection. Calves seldom eat enough dry starter until 4 to 5 weeks of age.
Clinical Coccidial infections are usually not noticeable until three to four weeks of age or older. That’s because the oocysts take 3 to 4 weeks to develop and cycle through the digestive tract and cause the diarrhea symptoms. The infection begins at the time of ingestion. It’s during the development time that the parasites do their damage. Prevention is the best method for control.
Calf Pro controls subclinical infections not visible
Calves can ingest the coccidial parasite (oocyst) soon after birth, however, only about 5% of calves exhibit clinical signs of infection (bloody scours and dehydration. Subclinical infections reduce the absorption of critical nutrients resulting in slower weight gains.
Use Calf Pro starting 48 - 72 hours after birth. Ingestion of cocci oocysts can occur at Day One. Early prevention is most effective.
No. The intestinal villae have large openings for the absorption of the immunoglobulins, and a large amount of the lasalocid will be absorbed. Wait until colostrum feeding has finished. Calf Pro acts in the small intestine, not systemically or through the blood stream. Any parasites ingested the first day or two will be destroyed at the initial feeding of Calf Pro.
No, Calf Pro is a prevention medication and contains an ionophore, (lasalocid or Bovatec) which kills the parasites in the early stages of development. Calf Pro prevents or controls the later stages of infection from occurring.
Calf Pro is formulated for addition to whole milk, which does not contain enough essential vitamins for calves until the rumen is fully developed at approximately 8 weeks of age. Each 10 ml of Calf Pro contains 100 IU of vitamin E which is an excellent antioxidant vitamin as well as additional vitamins to provide maximum growth potential for healthy calves.
Yes, many milk replacers do not contain a coccidiocide, therefore it is beneficial to add Calf Pro starting 48 - 72 hours after birth. Calf Pro will not interfere with other medications that are approved for use in milk replacers.
Calves do not eat sufficient amounts of calf starter until they are 4 to 5 weeks of age to get the proper level of Bovatec medication. Remember, the oocysts can be ingested during the first week of life.
Calf Pro can be added to individual feeding buckets or bottles or it can be added to a container of milk that is further divided into individual feeders.
Once daily is sufficient, however, adding appropriate levels at each feeding often eliminates feeding errors.
Calf Pro will stay in suspension until diluted with milk. Calf Pro is easily dispersed into milk; however, the milk should be fed within a short time period. If not, stir the milk for good distribution.
Although not recommended, if Calf Pro is inadvertently subjected to freezing conditions, it can be thawed and used. Shake container before using.
No, Calf Pro will not cause any residue problems. Animals fed Bovatec do not have a feed withdrawal time prior to slaughter.
Dogs are the most sensitive species to lasalocid toxic effects. No safe levels have been established for unapproved species.
Calf Pro is not approved for the control or treatment of Crypto.